World malaria day is a day set aside to create an awareness of the life threatening disease and to recognize other effort globally.

This day is celebrated every year all over the world on April 25th.

According to the world health organization WHO ‘urgent action is needed to get the global response to malaria back on track and ownership of the challenge lie in the hands of countries most affected by malaria’.

The theme for this year world malaria day is ‘Zero malaria starts with me’, prevention of this life threatening disease starts with our effort as individuals.

ForeMag will be looking at what causes malaria and some ways to prevent this heart threatening disease.

Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. The parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

There are many different types of plasmodium parasite, but only 5 types cause malaria in humans.

These are:

  • Plasmodium falciparum– mainly found in Africa, it’s the most common type of malaria parasite and is responsible for most malaria deaths worldwide
  • Plasmodium vivax– mainly found in Asia and South America, this parasite causes milder symptoms than Plasmodium falciparum, but it can stay in the liver for up to 3 years, which can result in relapses
  • Plasmodium ovale– fairly uncommon and usually found in West Africa, it can remain in your liver for several years without producing symptoms
  • Plasmodium malariae– this is quite rare and usually only found in Africa
  • Plasmodium knowlesi– this is very rare and found in parts of southeast Asia

Preventive Measures against malaria are as follows;-

  • Mosquito Nets– The best way to keep your family safe from mosquitoes at night is to use mosquito nets over your beds. Not only does it ensure 100% protection but is also a chemical-free way to keep mosquitoes at bay.
  • Close your windows after sunset– Mosquitoes enter your home mostly after sunset. So, make sure your windows are closed then. You can also consider getting nets made to fit your windows.
  • Wear full clothes– Till the mosquito-based disease period is over, consider wearing light coloured full sleeves/legs clothes.
  • Keep your surroundings clean– Keep your surroundings clean. Ensure your home is mopped every day with excess water around you treated at the earliest.
  • Malaria repellent foods– Not exactly repellent, by some foods are known for their properties which helps your body cope with infections before it damages your immune system further. It includes lemonade, cinnamon powder, basil leaves, fenugreek seeds, garlic, grapefruit, etc. Include these foods in your diet.

As we celebrate World Malaria Day, keep in mind that the way to having Zero Malaria in the world begins with you.