US Teacher Goes On Racial Rant amidst Zoom Call with Student
A US teacher forgot to end a video call with her student and then went on a racial rant unaware of the fact that the student’s mother was recording her.
A California teacher ended up in a soup after she forgot to end a video call with her student and went on a racial rant unaware of the fact that the student’s mother was recording her.
The science teacher, Kimberly Newman, apparently forgot to end the Zoom call and that’s when her rant started about the student’s family, which is Black. She even bashed the parenting skills of the student’s parents, the Washington Post reported.
The mother, Katura Stokes, said she recorded a 30-minute video of Newman as she hurled racial comments on her family. The report also quoted some of the comments of the White sixth-grade teacher from the video.
“She’s answered her phone for the first time the entire year,” the White teacher can be heard saying in the purported video.
“I mean these parents, that are what kind of piece of s— they are,” Newman was heard as saying.
Newman was suspended after Katura Stokes reported the incident to school officials. She later resigned; a spokesman with the Palmdale School District was quoted as saying.
Katura Stokes’s 12-year-old son was struggling to adapt to online learning at his Southern California School.
One of the family’s attorneys told the Washington Post, “Ms Stokes was asking for help and in response, she gets a racist rant and unbeknown to her, her son is listening to a lot of it. There’s this teacher that he looked up to saying these awful things. It’s just so hurtful and difficult for him to process.”