Similar to many individuals, Guvna B routinely embarks on an uneventful trip to his local café in search of his morning coffee. However, on one particular occasion, his routine outing took an unexpected turn.

Upon returning to his car, he was confronted by three white men positioned in front of it, obstructing his path.

The subsequent 15 seconds remain a hazy blur for the rapper. Recounting the incident, he shares with BBC Newsbeat, “It culminated with one of them hurling scalding coffee at my face and striking me in the eye.” This unprovoked act of aggression transpired in broad daylight, leaving Guvna bewildered. He emphasizes, “In this day and age, in 2023, such occurrences should not be transpiring.”

The assault proved to be a catalyst for Guvna, reigniting his desire to return to the recording studio, spurred on by his cousin Michaela Coel. Michaela, recognized for her impactful contributions as the writer of the acclaimed series I May Destroy You, drew from her own encounter with sexual assault for inspiration.

Upon learning of Guvna’s distressing ordeal, Michaela reached out to him via a voice message, urging him to channel his trauma into artistic expression. This encouragement ignited a spark within Guvna, motivating him to transform his experience into a potent form of artistry. By drawing from Coel’s unwavering determination and creative brilliance, Guvna B has created a poignant tribute that resonates with listeners and reminds us all of the incredible influence one person can have on the world.