BY Akinbola Esther

President Samia Suluhu Hassan addresses after the swearing-in ceremony as the country’s first female President.

She also announced the cabinet changes during the swearing-in ceremony of the new vice-president.

It’s more that week now that Tanzania Sworn in President Suluhu Hassan and she has decided to reshuffle her cabinet.

She was really diplomatic in her selection. Some of her new ministers include a career diplomat Liberata Mulamula who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs. She was once Tanzania’s ambassador to the United States.

President Suhulu also sworn in Mwigulu Nchemba, who was the minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, as minister of finance, filling the position that was left vacant following the appointment of Dr Philip Mpango as vice-president.

Other changes included the appointment of a new chief secretary, Hussein Yahya Katanga, who is Tanzania’s ambassador to Japan.

Mr Katanga replaces Bashiru Ally who was appointed by late President Magufuli a month ago.