Having a ball! Prince William and Duchess Kate played virtual bingo with a group of elderly residents and healthcare workers from a nursing home on Thursday, May 21.Prince William and Duchess Kate’s Relationship Timeline 

The couple video-chatted with the workersOpens in a new Window. of Shire Hall Care Home in Cardiff, Wales, which is a nursing and residential facility for the elderly, before taking on the role as bingo callers during a game.

“How have you and the team managed to look after yourselves and your own mental health?” William, 37, asked three women who work at the facility, regarding their wellness amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“It’s very hard in all of the gear,” one lady said, as the other two laughed.

A second worker added: “But the morale in the home is lovely. It is a positive daily life at Shire Hall.”

“I’ve never known Welsh people not to have fun,” the father of three joked, before getting to the day’s main activity.

Kate, 38, kicked things off with the bingo game as the home’s residents sat at their chairs and prepared to battle it out for the winning title. William jumped in for a number before Kate took back the role as caller.