A group of a hundred or so demonstrators gathered at Revolution Hall to celebrate George Floyd’s birthday.
The murder of Floyd by a now-fired Minneapolis police officer is what seemingly prompted the protests in Portland some 130+ nights ago. Floyd’s neck was knelt on for nearly 8 minutes while he told officers he could not breathe.
George Floyd would have been 47.

Withholding a few days during the historic Oregon wildfires which made the air in Portland dangerous to breathe, protesters have been out in the streets every night. The demonstrations have varied on their central issue from the defunding of police, the total abolishment of law enforcement and prisons, to mourning for those in ICE custody and the Black Lives Matter movement.
The group gathered to sing happy birthday, eat cake, and listen to speakers as the night progressed.
The event remained peaceful into the night. A small group of protesters outside of the ICE building where protesters gathered on Tuesday night in Portland. They were met with armed law enforcement on Tuesday. However, accounts of Wednesday night seem calm, by 10:30 p.m. all demonstrations were without incident.