Fr Ejike Mbaka, the Catholic Priest and Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, has, despite his initial supportive stance, asked President Muhammadu Buhari to resign or get impeached. Reason: The growing insecurity in Nigeria. Mbaka said this in recent sermon at Adoration Ground, Enugu.

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In his words: “Let me tell you; if it is in a civilized country, by now, President Buhari would have resigned with what is happening.”

“Nigerians are crying because there’s no security in the country, the House of Representatives should impeach the president if he doesn’t want to resign.”

”A good coach cannot watch his players to be defeated when he has players sitting down on the bench. It is either Buhari resigns by himself or he will be impeached.

“This statement is too mysterious and supernatural, I know many people will begin to fight it, saying did you not pray for Buhari? Did Samuel not anoint Saul? Am I the creator of Buhari? God created him, Nigerians supported him because he did well sometime. But now, how can people be dying and the chief security officer of the country will be sitting down without making any comment? Gunmen attacking people everywhere.”

“I pray that the church leadership will understand me as a messenger of God and not begin to attack me because the danger is going to affect the church.

“When gunmen begin to strike inside the church, they will begin to kill one man of God or the other or even members of the church. Who will go to church again? The priests will lose their job, the Bishops will lose their jobs. So you better keep quiet or support what I’m saying.”