The FG says local production would facilitate Nigeria’s growth as a regional aviation superpower.

The Federal Government hopes to start manufacturing planes before the end of President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term in 2023.

The Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, said that the government is interested in collaborating with the Hungarian company, Magnus Aircraft Industry, to establish an assembly plant in Nigeria.

“If we venture with them, we may start with assembling the plant and later manufacturing,” he said during an inspection visit to the company’s office in Pogany, Hungary.

The 57-year-old said the local production of aircrafts in Nigeria will facilitate the country’s growth as a regional aviation superpower, and attract patronage from neighbouring countries.

He praised President Buhari for creating an attractive environment for international investors in Nigeria, with the ongoing implementation of the development roadmap which places emphasis on public private partnerships.

The minister said one of the significant features of the Magnus aircraft is that it uses normal car petrol, and outperforms any training aircraft of its kind.

Sirika also noted that he was very satisfied with the features and more than willing to facilitate the production of the aeroplanes in Nigeria.

The proposed partnership with the aircraft manufacturer will be subjected to further analysis to verify the market and government willingness to partner with a significant amount of money and logistics.

The Buhari government has struggled to kick off its proposed national carrier project, with numerous postponements announced since it was first launched and suspended by Sirika in 2018.