Netflix to release a new documentary a week before the 2022 Qatar World Cup that will focus on FIFA Corruption.

Football is about to get tensed up as Netflix has just announced that it is releasing a documentary on FIFA corruption a week before the 2022 Qatar World Cup. The documentary is titled “FIFA Uncovered: Football, Money and Power” and it will be grouped into four parts.

The international governing body of association football is well known for its controversial history. “From power struggles to global politics, an exploration of FIFA reveals the organization’s checkered history, and what it takes to host a world cup,” teases the show’s about page.

Netflix Tweeted’

“For decades, FIFA united the globe through football. But behind the game, craftier schemes were at play. This documentary series traces the organization’s legacy, exploring the pageantry, power struggles and politics of hosting the world cup. FIFA uncovered, coming 9 Nov”