Murray is “cautiously optimistic” about returning to action at some point this summer. The 31-year-old British three-time Grand Slam winner said in March that he was pain-free after hip surgery but his chances of playing singles at Wimbledon this year were “less than 50%”. Murray said the operation meant it was possible he would not be able to play professionally again.

She told the BBC during a visit to Tennis World in Middleborough: “He was told not to do impact work, which basically means running around the garden hitting a ball, for three months but he’s been hitting against a wall from a static position.”

The social media “thumbs up” from Andy Murray himself to his hip replacement; pictures of him enjoying a round of golf; his mum Judy now saying there’s every chance he could be back on tour at some point this summer. Admittedly, that gives him plenty of wriggle room, as the summer tennis season drags well past September’s US Open.