Liverpool forward, Mohamed Salah will join the rest of the team for training today after returning a negative test for coronavirus.

The Egyptian international first tested positive for Covid-19 on November 13 while on international duty with Egypt and after partying at his brother’s wedding.

On November 18, he tested positive for a second time and flew back to the UK on a private jet two days later.

Liverpool manager, Jurgen Klopp has confirmed Salah produced a negative test on Sunday prior to the Leicester match and will rejoin his teammates today for training for Champions preparation.

Speaking after the win over Leicester last night, Klopp said: “That’s what I’ve heard, a negative today.

“I think from now he is pretty normal in all the testing. Tomorrow we have UEFA testing and I am pretty sure he will be in that.

“He can train with us tomorrow. There are two tests in the next two days so he will be tested.”