The number of coronavirus hospital deaths has risen by 10 amid a surge of infections.
England recorded a total of 10 deaths, with Scotland and Wales recording zero.
On Sunday, the number of coronavirus deaths recorded in hospital was 18 – with 17 of those in England.
As the deaths continue to mount, the government has decided to enforce local lockdowns in a bid to get the infection rate under control.
An estimated 17 million people in the UK are now living in local lockdown areas.
It is also believed the Government is planning to ban all socialising across much of northern Britain and London in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Under new lockdown measures being considered, all pubs, restaurants and bars would be ordered to close for two weeks.
The report, seen by The Times, added that households would also be banned indefinitely from meeting each other in any indoor location.
Police will be undertaking self-isolation spot checks in high-risk areas based on “local intelligence” as strict new rules are imposed from today.
New local lockdowns, further restrictions and tough new fines for failing to self-isolate are coming into force across the UK from today.
People across England will be legally required to self-isolate for 10 days from this week if they test positive for coronavirus or are contacted by the test and trace service.
If they do not, they risk being hit with fines that could increase up to £10,000.
They will not be able to meet indoors with anyone they do not live with, with extended households suspended.
30 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Hull and East Yorkshire as it was revealed a further 17 people had died in the UK’s hospital after contracting coronavirus, taking the total up to 41,988.
Our region’s toll remains at 211.
In Hull, the amount of cases have risen by nine to make a total of 1,751.
In the East Riding of Yorkshire, there have been a further 21 cases of coronavirus confirmed, taking the total to 1,983.