LifeCome Care provides you and your loved ones with a flexible, dependable and a 1cost-efficient care and support services. LifeCome Care cares for adults (18+) and the elderly. LifeCome Care working in partnership with the NHS aims to develop a Step-down facility that supports mental health patients. Mental health is very important at every stage of life, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

Mental health is fundamental to living a healthy and balanced life because it is an essential part of one’s life and it can influence the thoughts, behaviours and emotions of people. The Covid-19 pandemic most especially, had a large impact on the mental health of many since they were forced to stay at home instead of go out to the places where they found solace. People had to repeat routines, be in the same space and with the same people for weeks. This pattern of living affected a lot of individuals’ mental health conditions. This step-down facility brought to us by the LifeCome Care and NHS has created an avenue for mental health to be supported, maintained and publicized.

This initiative by LifeCome Care and NHS was celebrated by the PPiMH Awards. The PPiMH Awards was created as an avenue to acknowledge and celebrate the organisations and people who support and care after people who have issues with their mental health. The PPiMH Awards consists of different categories which includes the Primary and Community Adult Mental Services, Older adults’ functional mental services, Perinatal mental health services, Children and young people’s mental services, addressing inequality in health and so on.