31-year-old, Anthony Waliaro of Kakamega in Kenya innovated a two-seater motor vehicle .Anthony decided to invent a three-wheeled, two-seater vehicle powered by a solar system with a television, public address system and a boot, he got his inspiration from the success of his speed boat invention, including some disputes he faced while operating a bodaboda (motorcycle) in Mombasa.

As a child, Anthony has always loved mechanics and mechanical instruments even as a part-time musician. He created 5 models of an airplane, during his high school days which are still preserved at St. Peter’s Mumias. His love and passion for mechanical instruments  helped his innovative mind and led him to pursue a degree in Aeronautical Engineering in Mombasa Aviation College but unfortunately had to drop out due to financial constraints.

Finances to fund his work has been a major constraint for Anthony in the mechanical field, thou he started collecting spare parts for the vehicle in 2016 and finished the project in a year and a half.

Anthony  faced trying times, he had financial challenges and faced mockery by his parents and friends which was enough for him to quit on his innovation.

His intention is to use this skill in campaign for peace in Kenya and wishes to partner with organisations like Safari-com to promote peace.

He started an organization “Gifted Hands” with the aim of organizing  all Kenyans who are mechanically skilled to work on a mega project. His latest project is a motorbike with a bigger capacity to enable doctors to get to patients faster during emergencies.

Anthony is confident that he would be able to gain more knowledge in aeronautics with the support of the Kenyan government.