Nairobi MCAs have hastened the confirmation of Anne Kananu Mwenda as the new deputy governor, and she’s poised to finally take charge of the county, but core challenges remain, says Ken Butiko.

“The key problems in the county, including a bloated workforce, cartels and inefficiencies, need to be addressed. To be fair, the NMS is doing some good work.” Disused footbridge – One of the peculiar habits of Kenyans has been playing out at Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi, reports Chintan Gohel on the reluctance to use a footbridge. “Many prefer to cross the highway. Strangely, they cross in front of traffic police, who even stop vehicles to let hundreds pass. They slow down traffic and endanger lives.”

Waiting for a parcel – A parcel David Omollo sent on December 18 by Overseas Bus Company from its Rikana booking office on Jogoo Road, Nairobi, is yet to be delivered. The item (tracking number OVWSYZEJJ) is being awaited at Akala trading centre in Siaya County, yet David says the courier service clerks have not been helpful in tracing it.

Abandoned road – The upgrade of the Kikuyu-Miguti-Kari Research Centre road and beyond in Kiambu County, Charles Wakaba Kamanga recalls, was “inaugurated with much fanfare” last September. “The contractor then suddenly abandoned the site, leaving the road in a worse condition. Can the national roads agency ensure the contractor completes the project?”

Calling Zipapa – Conspicuously missing, to Mwangi Karuga’s huge disappointment, is veteran politician Ali Chirau Mwakwere, popularly known as Zipapa. “Where is this eloquent Kiswahili speaker? I miss Ambassador Mwakwere and his theatrics. He’s a nice elder, who not only loves Congolese music but actually dances to it and sings along.”