Deaner comes in aggressively by charging in with a flurry of forearms on Jake Something. Jake shoves him off half-way across the ring. He heads out of the ring to grab one of the many tables set up on the outside. Jake is taken too long to unfold the table. Deaner takes advantage with a fast and furious dive through the ropes. Jake rocks Deaner with a heavy right to create some distance. He slides a table into the ring and sets it up in between the middle and top of the ring. Deaner side steps and throws Jake face-first towards the setup table! Deaner smashes Jake’s face into the bottom of the table again.

Deaner looks for another table on the outside. Jake lays down a few strikes to set up another table between the apron and barricade. Both men are on eggshells standing on the apron. Jake grabs Deaner mid-air and has him in the power bomb position. Deaner slides out from the back. Deaner slams Jake into throat-first towards the legs of the table. On the top rope now, Jake was close to having Deaner in the perplex position. Deaner escapes and grabs Deaner by the hair and snap mares him from off the top. Jake connects Deaner with a power bomb in the center of the ring. Jake hoists Deaner up. Deaner drops Jake onto the steel stairs!

They carry their brawl up towards the ramp. Deaner has Jake in the DDT position. Deaner reverses with a big forearm. Deaner escapes another power bomb attempt with a low blow. Jake’s rage gets the best of him when he slams Deaner through the table. Jake Something wins this match! This will be the second match he has won against Deaner!

Winner: Jake Something

Moose ambushes Jake Something with a spear through the table. He pulls out a chair and calls Rich Swann out for a World Championship match.