Hip-Hop legend Uncle Luke has tested positive for COVID-19. The rapper is now detailing how he may have gotten the virus and what people can learn from his experience. 

In a new op-ed for the Miami New Times, the leader of the legendary group 2 Live Crew leader talks about how peer pressure led him to expose himself to the coronavirus. 

“Last month, a friend celebrating his birthday at a local strip club would not stop blowing up my phone,” the rapper wrote. “He kept begging me to come. I told myself I would go for 15 minutes and duck out. As soon as I walked through the doors, it was like stepping into a coronavirus-spreading chamber.”

He continued, explaining how COVID-19 could potentially have been spreading at the party .

“Everybody was wilding’ out and getting drunk,” he wrote. “Almost no one was wearing masks. My buddies were all up in my face. Patrons and strippers were walking up to me and asking to take selfies. Of course, I obliged when they asked me to take my mask off. Even though I felt like everyone in the club was an asymptomatic carrier, I stayed late.”

After explaining his COVID-19 symptoms and taking two rapid tests that came back positive, he talked about how people can help protect themselves and others during this holiday season. 

“If you go out, put your mask on when you are not drinking or eating,” he said. “You don’t have to be all up on each other, either. You can still hang out at a six-foot distance from each other. And if the establishment has too many people not following the protocols, don’t be afraid to go home and call it a night.”