4 former U.S. presidents joined forces in a new PSA video to urge Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine. And of course, it will come as no surprise that the president who presided over 400,000 deaths and also attempted to overthrow the government didn’t participate.

The new ad, the first of two created by The Ad Council to encourage vaccination, features Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, with former first ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton and Rosalynn Carter also making appearances.

The clip is focused on reminding people that getting vaccinated means life can begin to return to normal.

“This vaccine means hope,” Obama says.

“I want to go back to work and I want to be able to move around,” Clinton says.

Obama said he wants “to visit with Michelle’s mom, to hug her, to see her birthday.”

“You know what I’m really looking forward to, is going to opening day in Texas Rangers stadium with a full stadium.” – Bush said

The video also featured the former presidents being vaccinated, and also reminding people that widespread vaccination is the fastest way to bring the pandemic to a close. “Roll up your sleeve and do your part,” Bush says. “Now it’s up to you,” adds Carter.

Meanwhile, Trump has still not commented on the more than 500,000 people who died from COVID-19 in the United States, most of them due to how the response was bungled in 2020.