Seleshi Bekele Ethiopia’s minister for water and electricity on Monday june 8th,2019 lifted measures rationing electricity for homes and companies after a rise in water levels at hydroelectric dams, state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting said.

Fana quoted the minister saying the changes were prompted by an increase in water levels at the country’s Gibe 3 dam.

The minister had said in May when announcing the rationing that the drop in water levels at Gibe 3 dam had led to a deficit of 476 megawatts, more than a third of the country’s electricity generation of 1,400 MW.

Companies will be allowed 50% of their power needs for the next 15 days during the day and 100% of needs from 11p.m. to 5 a.m as part of the reduced load shedding programme, he said.

Reduction of supply of power is temporarily caused by load shedding to an area of the grid when demand exceeds its supply.

Fana quoted Seleshi as saying power to the grid was also expected to increase when electricity from another dam, the Genale Dawa 3, is inaugurated next month. The dam has an installed capacity of 254 MW.

Beneath the rationing programme announced in May, domestic consumers faced blackouts for several hours each day, while cement and steel firms had to operate fewer shifts due to the cuts, Seleshi said at the time.