Greg McDermott is apologizing after telling players they need to “stay on the plantation.” 

The coach, who is white, wrote on Twitter that it was a “terribly inappropriate analogy in making a point about staying together as a team despite the loss.”

He also added, “I have never used that analogy and it is not indicative of who I am as a person or as a coach. I am deeply sorry. I have apologized to our student-athletes and to our staff.”

After the Bluejays’ loss to Xavier in Cincinnati, McDermott said, “Guys, we gotta stick together. We need both feet in. I need everybody to stay on the plantation. I can’t have anybody leave the plantation.”

Creighton assistant coach Terrence Rencher (who is Black) tweeted, “While my relationship with Coach has been positive and I have never witnessed any racist energy from him, what he said was wrong and insensitive. ‘Plantation’ has a dark and hurtful history in my community and cannot be overlooked. Right now my focus is on the players and supporting them in any way that they need my support.”

He also added, “The players have decided that they want to continue to chase their goals on the court this season with Coach McDermott and I support their wishes and will continue to pour my heart into coaching them and helping them deal with larger issues.”

The university called McDermott’s comments “deplorable.”

The school stated that any disciplinary action would remain confidential.