Catholic Bishops Condemns President Joe Biden’s Pro-Choice Stand on Abortion
The head of the nation’s Catholic bishops has condemned Biden’s pro-choice stand on abortion.
The president of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, served notice that the bishops will continue to fight Biden over his position on several moral issues, mainly abortion.
President Biden, like many other Catholic politicians, has said he is personally against abortion but cannot impose his position on others.
Gomez praised Biden for what he called the new president’s “moving witness” on how his faith brought him solace in times of tragedy and his commitment to the poor but said bishops had to proclaim all the truth of the Gospel.
“So, I must point out that our new president has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender,” Gomez said.
In a move that underscored the deep divisions among U.S. bishops on how to approach the new administration, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago said Gomez’s statement was “ill-considered” and that many bishops had not been consulted.
Many Catholic conservatives supported Trump. Francis had a rocky relationship with Trump, disagreeing with him on a series of issues including immigration and climate change.