The Blue Future Conference, organized jointly by the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Indian Ocean Commission, and the United Nations Development Programme, will take place from June 12 to 14, 2023, in Moroni, Union of Comoros.

The conference aims to highlight the potential of the blue economy in Africa and address the specific challenges faced by island states. It will also support the implementation of the Great Blue Wall Initiative through the development of an investment and funding plan. The conference will discuss the role of the blue economy in Africa’s sustainable development, climate action, and the involvement of island and coastal states.

It will generate recommendations for action and finalize the Moroni Declaration on Blue Economy, the Great Blue Wall initiative, and the specificities of African Island States. The media is invited to attend and cover the conference, which will include expert sessions, high-level dialogues, and the adoption of the Moroni Declaration.