Pro wrestling legend Terry Funk is dealing with severe hip pain, according to AEW’s Dustin Rhodes.

Professional wrestling legend Terry Funk isn’t doing too well at the moment, with All Elite Wrestling’s Dustin Rhodes revealing the 76-year-old has been dealing with “severe hip pain” recently.

Rhodes tweeted the following on Sunday, asking fans to keep the Funker in their thoughts:-

Though it should be stressed that there’s no indication that Terry’s current issues relate to this, an abdominal hernia suffered in 2016 has caused the former NWA World Champion a lot of problems over the past few years, with the legend pulling out of 2018’s inaugural Starrcast event as a result.

Funk is rightly considered one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time. A GOAT candidate as a baby face, heel, singles wrestler, tag worker, brawler, technician, talker, and in almost any other category required to call a wrestler “great,” he’s also among the most adaptable performers the sport will ever see. From breaking ground as an ultra-popular foreigner in Japan in the ’70s to spearheading ECW’s rise more than two decades later, Terry’s range and résumé are incomparable.

Fingers crossed for the toughest to ever do it.