Britney Spears’ New Attorney Files Appeal to Remove Jamie Spears as Conservator of Her Estate

The Britney Spears conservatorship sagas continues as Spears’ newly hired attorney officially files an appeal to remove her father and guardian Jamie Spears as conservator of her estate.

In a recently published article, it is said that Spears’ owns about $2.7 Million cash assets and more than $50 Million in non-cash assets that are currently overseen by her father. Spears’ lawyer requested to replace Jamie Spears with Jason Rubin, a CPA at Certified Strategies Inc., as conservator.

The article also quotes the petition stating this decision is an “objectively intelligent preference to nominate a highly qualified, professional fiduciary in this circumstance.”

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Another hearing in the case was held today about the safety of Spears’ personal conservator Jodi Montgomery.

The article states that Montogomery allegedly request more security after alleged safety concerns due to the increase of public interest in the conservatorship fight. Spears’ father is allegedly ready to spend up to $50,000 a month for increased security, but only if Britney Spears agrees.

Over the last month, with increasing media coverage and the growing #freebritney movement, the case of Spears’ conservatorship has been developing steadily. In June Spears gave a lengthy and emotional statement about the alleged mistreatment by her conservator. The statement was broadly covered by news outlets because it was the first time the singer spoke out against her conservatorship.

Since then her lawyer, asset management firm and manager have quit their positions and removed themselves from the trial. Spears just recently gained the power to choose her own lawyer and announced at the same time that she was planning to press charges against her father for alleged conservatorship abuse.

In the most recent news, two House representatives have introduced a new bi-partisan bill inspired by Spears’ struggle with conservatorship. The bill would make it easier for people under conservatorship to change their guardians, if they suspect conservatorship abuse.