A South African job app “MrEmploy,” has just been launched to connect job seekers in South Africa to employers. The app through its automated process is aimed at making employment processes faster and easier, and also helps to link applicants to their aspiring employers .

According to the managing director of MrEmploy, Mr Ryan Oettle said “MrEmploy is an advanced smart matching system that speeds up recruiting. For employers, saves time and reduces the risk of hiring the wrong person. While for employees, it links them to the kinds of jobs they are best suited for.”

The app also allows for fifteen-second video uploads, Apart from the basic upload of a picture and a standardized Micro CV. This video helps the applicant create a better first impression and also saves the employer the time they would have spent checking CVs, doing phone interviews as well as reducing face-to-face meetings. It helps the employer decide whether they want to meet a candidate.

MrEmploy which is can be referred to as “Tinder for jobs,” unlike other job apps,allows job seekers to see only jobs they are qualified for and can give a thumbs-up if they are interested in. The employers also confirm the applicants they think fit the position by similarly giving a thumbs-up.

MrEmploy could go a long way in complementing government efforts to tackle this, the South Africa’s youth unemployment rate of 27.6% is one of the largest in the world, So far the government already provides public employment programmes  for those who cannot get a job.

The app also helps in easing the application and selection processes by bridging the gap between applicants and employers.

Mr Oettle added that the app is ideal for any businesses type and as such, would provide a wide range of jobs across different sectors in the country. Additionally, the app is free for job seekers but employers have to pay a fee of R100 per job upload. Over 70 employers and 1200 prospective applicants directly use the job app.