Recall New York attorney general’s office released the findings of an independent investigation into sexual harassment allegations made against Cuomo last month. The report found that Cuomo allegedly sexually harassed 11 women.

“Specifically, we find that the Governor sexually harassed a number of current and former New York State employees by, among other things, engaging in unwelcome and non-consensual touching, as well as making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women,” the report by James reads.

Several women including Lindsey Boylan, 36; Anna Ruch, 33; and Charlotte Bennett, 25, have come forward to accuse the governor of unwanted advances.

Cuomo had denied all allegations against him claiming he is innocent but had faced pressure from the Democratic Party leadership and president Joe Biden to resign.

In his farewell speech on Monday, he questioned the fairness of an investigation by State Attorney General Letitia James that found he sexually harassed multiple women, including current and former state employees.

“Let me say now that when the government politicizes allegations and the headlines condemn without facts, you undermine the justice system and that doesn’t serve women and it doesn’t serve men or society,” Cuomo said. “I understand that there are moments of intense political pressure and media frenzy that cause a rush to judgment, but that is not right. It’s not fair or sustainable. Facts still matter.”

He went on to criticize James’ 168-page report — which included claims from 11 women, including one he allegedly retaliated against — comparing it to a firecracker that causes a stampede.

“The attorney general’s report was designed to be a political firecracker on an explosive topic and it worked. There was a political and media stampede but the truth will (come) out in time. Of that I am confident,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo said his resignation takes effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday and New York state Lt. Gov. Kathleen Hochul will succeed him as governor.