A group of Ghanaian MPs has drawn up a draft bill which, among other things, proposes a 10-year jail term for people who promote LGBT+ activities through mainstream or social media.

The bill has been submitted to Ghana’s speaker of parliament for review.

Also under the draft measure, titled the Promotion of Proper Human Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill 2021, individuals who engage in non-heterosexual sex could face a fine or a prison term of up to three years.

The bill’s lead sponsor, opposition MP Sam Nartey George said that the lawmakers believed this was not a human rights issue.

Some Ghanaians have expressed concern about its potential to violate the rights of members of the LGBT+ community and activists.

The bill is likely to be passed, although there could be some amendments.

Top government officials, including the speaker of parliament, have already indicated a desire to enact anti-homosexuality laws.

Ghana’s criminal code outlaws what it describes as “unnatural” carnal knowledge but does not explicitly mention LGBT people.