The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) in Midrand, Johannesburg, is expected to vote for new leadership on Tuesday, amid high tensions over the elective process.

Some members of the PAP resorted to violence on Monday as frustrations grew over whether the Presidency should be on a rotational basis or via the current direct ballot box.

The southern caucus is leading the call for rotation while the east and west caucuses heavily oppose the idea.

On Monday, chaos erupted in the chamber with members laying hands on each.

Chaotic scenes at the Pan African Parliament:

The Southern Caucus is remaining steadfast in its position calling for rotational leadership.

The vote is expected to begin at 14:00 – allowing parliament’s clerk to receive a letter from the African Union clarifying which elective system will be deemed legal.

The opposing caucuses say the election should go ahead as normal and the new leadership can lead the process to change the rules for the next election in three years’ time.

Contestation of views over rotation of regions for leadership of Parliament: