The measures come nearly four years after the Grenfell Tower disaster which caused the deaths of 72 people. Housing secretary Robert Jenrick is due to address the Commons outlining the plans later today. It is reported the measures will include a £5 billion grant, on top of the £1.6 billion safety fund that leaseholders can currently apply to.

Grants to remove cladding are also only likely to be made available to people living in buildings higher than 18 metres, with those in smaller ones having to rely on loans for the cost of the work. Conservative MP Stephen McPartland has previously called the Government ‘incompetent’ regarding its handling of the cladding crisis. ‘It is clear they don’t have a grip on the situation and their incompetence is creating this problem,’ the Stevenage MP told The Times. ‘Millions of leaseholders are facing financial ruin and we will not accept loans. They are not a solution, they are a disgraceful betrayal.’

The National Leasehold Campaign tweeted yesterday: ‘Another sleepless night for leaseholders worried sick about what Robert Jenrick will announce tomorrow regarding their futures. ‘Please Robert you have a chance here to save millions. They ALL deserve this. Please don’t help some and not others.’ Criticism has been growing towards the Government’s response to the cladding crisis in the wake of the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire. The fire was sparked by a fault in a fridge-freezer and spread quickly to several floors of the tower in west London. The cladding and insulation was cited as the cause for the rapid progression of the blaze.

The House of Commons has been told how huge numbers of people, especially leaseholders, are ‘stuck in the middle’ and living in ‘unsafe homes’ which they cannot sell, but are having to foot the bill for repair works and expensive waking watches. It is thought 3 million people have been left with worthless homes as a result.

Several leaseholders have spoken to over the last few months about how they are facing bankruptcy and homelessness. Earlier this month, Labour demanded the creation of a national taskforce to ‘get a grip’ on the cladding crisis. At last week’s Prime Minister’s Questions, Boris Johnson said: ‘We are determined that no leaseholder should have to pay for the unaffordable costs of fixing safety defects that they didn’t cause and are no fault of their own’.