US President Joe Biden said he does not believe former president Donald Trump should have access to intelligence briefings. Biden cited Trump’s “erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection” at Capitol Hill on January 6.

Trump awaits a second Senate impeachment trial on charges of inciting riots at the Capitol building on January 6. Former presidents are provided briefings partly as a courtesy. Currently, briefings are being shared with former presidents Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton. This is the first time a former president is being cut off from briefings.

“What value is giving him an intelligence briefing?” Biden told CBS News added. “What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?” he added. Ahead of Biden’s inauguration, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said that Trump’s access to intelligence briefings should be cut off. Trump’s handling of sensitive information has come under scrutiny a few times in the past.

In 2017, Trump shared sensitive information about the Islamic State, which was shared by Israel with the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador. Israel was outraged. Former aides have said that Trump declined to read intelligence briefings and preferred oral reports.