The story of the supreme leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibrahim Yaqoub El Zakzaky and the Nigerian government including the armed forces has been that of gross breach of human rights and stubborn disregard for the rule of law by the government of Nigeria and its agencies.

Recall that the Nigerian Army perpetrated serious crime against humanity by unleashing its brutality against unarmed people carrying out a peaceful observance of their religious dogmas. Unconfirmed reports pegged the number of members of the IMN killed in the unfortunate incident which occurred in December 2015, at more than 500.

Meanwhile, the federal government of Nigeria has continued to detain Sheikh Ibrahim El Zakzaky and his wife in prison custody for various reasons. This continuous detention is in defiance of rulings from several courts within Nigeria and external calls from foreign and domestic human rights organisations, for the unconditional release of the sectional religious leader by the government of Nigeria.

The latest development is the continuous detention and denial of treatment meted to Zeenat Zakzaky, the wife of the embattled leader. The members of the movement say they are very worried about the fact that Sheikh and his wife continue to be in detention at Kaduna prison, despite Zeenat having been diagnosed of contracting the dreaded Covid-19 and about six days after, she is yet to be given any specialist care or treatment despite the gravity of the Coronavirus.

A member of the group, Ibrahim Musa, in a statement made available to newsmen on Friday lamented thus “We all know that Covid-19 requires an immediate response of urgent adherence to medical advice, more so, Malama Zeenah Ibrahim has been denied treatment for acute medical conditions including severe arthritis of the knee for five years now,”

“Yet she is still in Kaduna prison at the moment, yet to be hospitalized, and yet to receive proper health care, Musa said.

“Given her underlying medical conditions and age, her infection places her at heightened risk of severe illness and/or death”.

“Sheikh Zakzaky himself suffers from many underlying conditions which put him at high risk of developing life-threatening symptoms should he contract the virus”.

“The couple are next due to appear in court on Monday 25 January to face the bogus charges brought against them by the government of Elrufa’i. The length of time they have spent in custody since being arrested in 2015 reinforces the view that the Buhari regime is conducting a witch-hunt against the couple and abusing the judicial system in the hope that they will die quietly in custody.”

Considering the severity of the Covid-19 virus which is currently ravaging the world in a second wave reportedly deadlier than the first, there are fears among the group, concerned Nigerians and the international community about the safety of the life of Zeenat El Zakzaky and her husband, if the Nigerian government continue to deny them medical care which they need, especially the wife, at this time.

The international community and various local and foreign human rights group continue to call on the Nigerian authorities to as a matter of dispatch, commence adequate medical care to Zeenat for the treatment of Covid-19 and conduct checks on her husband and those close to her, to be sure the virus is curtailed and treated adequately to avoid spread and casualties.

From as far back as 2014, the Nigerian state and agencies have launched fatal attacks on several members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and have also killed up to 6 children of Sheikh Ibrahim El Zakzaky.

The Nigerian government is accusing the movement made up of minority Shia Muslims, of alleged culpable homicide, unlawful assembly and disruption of public peace among other charges, all of which have been denied by Sheikh Ibrahim El Zakzaky and senior members of the movement.