The Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) is embroiled in a scandal related to allegations of procurement impropriety, misuse of company credit cards and abuse of power against its CEO Sello Hatang and COO Limpho Monyamane.

The foundation’s chairperson, Prof Njabulo Ndebele said that law firm Bowman Gilfillan Inc was looking into damning whistle-blower allegations against the two.

Though Ndebele would not go into the detail about the allegations, the publication understands the list of complaints include, among others:

·         Creating a toxic working environment and bullying,

·         Intimidating staff in the finance department to appoint service providers outside procurement processes.

“We confirm that the Nelson Mandela Foundation (the NMF) is in the process of conducting an investigation to determine the merits of a complaint that was recently received,” Ndebele said.

The extent of mismanagement, an internal source said, had gone from the foundation paying millions to a “donor”, instead of receiving payment, to using corporate credit cards for personal purchases at fast-food restaurants, bookstores, hardware and sporting goods stores.

“The NMF is not at liberty to disclose the particular complaint as the subject matter relates to an ongoing investigation.

“However, the NMF confirms that it is not taking the complaint lightly and is implementing the necessary steps to ascertain the merits of the complaint and (will) respond accordingly.”