Mr Khan is said to be looking at the possibility of asking those who are able to work from home to do so, which is in opposition to the government’s policy of urging people to get back into offices.
A mayoral source told the Press Association: “It’s clear that cases in London are only moving in one direction, we are now just days behind hotspots in the North West and North East. We can’t afford more delay.
“Introducing new measures now will help slow the spread of the virus and potentially prevent the need for a fuller lockdown like we saw in March, which could seriously damage the economy once again.”
Mr Hancock, who said he had spoken with the mayor over the weekend, told Times Radio he would not rule out advising people to work from home from some point next week.
Here is Sunday’s update of the rolling seven-day rate of new cases of Covid-19 for every local authority area in England.
The figures, for the seven days to September 17, are based on tests carried out in laboratories (pillar one of the Government’s testing programme) and in the wider community (pillar two).
The rate is expressed as the number of new cases per 100,000 people.
Data for the most recent three days (September 18-20) has been excluded as it is incomplete and likely to be revised.
In Bolton, 540 new cases were recorded in the seven days to September 17 – the equivalent of 187.8 per 100,000 people.
Bolton continues to record the highest rate in England, though it is down from 213.2 in the seven days to September 10.
Rossendale has the second highest rate, up sharply from 60.2 to 159.5 with 114 new cases.
Hyndburn is in third place, where the rate has risen from 117.2 to 156.7 with 127 new cases.
Other areas recording sharp increases in their seven-day rates include:
– Liverpool (up from 96.4 to 138.1, with 688 new cases)
– Preston (up from 103.4 to 148.1, with 212 new cases)
– South Tyneside (up from 86.8 to 129.8, with 196 new cases)
– Manchester (up from 83.0 to 121.6, with 672 new cases)
The five hardest-hit authorities by rate of infection are:
– Bolton 187.8 (with 540 new cases)
– Rossendale 159.5 (with 114 new cases)
– Hyndburn 156.7 (with 127 new cases)
– Preston 148.1 (with 212 new cases)
– Liverpool 138.1 (with 688 new cases)