Captain Sir Tom was chosen as the winner of the Helen Rollason Award for his phenomenal fundraising efforts during the first lockdown in the spring.

The World War II veteran, who celebrated his 100th birthday this year, raised £38.9million for the NHS while walking laps of his garden. He was knighted in the summer.

His efforts were an inspiration to the country in a dark period, and to no-one more than nine-year-old Tobias Weller, who received the very first Captain Tom Young Unsung Hero of the Year award.

Tobias, who suffers from cerebral palsy, completed the length of a marathon during lockdown with the aid of his walker. Tobias also began a new ‘Tobiathon’ challenge to run the same distance using a race runner. He raised over £150,000 for Sheffield Children’s Hospital and the Pace school.

Captain Sir Tom also received praise for his award, which was announced at last night’s televised ceremony, by Bradford Council chief executive Kersten England.