Actress Rosario Dawson has expressed her gratitude for her boyfriend Cory Booker’s reelection as New Jersey’s senator.
The actress, 41, shared a black and white photo of the couple on Instagram Wednesday in which she congratulated Booker, 51, for defending his seat on Tuesday night.
“So proud of and grateful for you my love. I got to vote for you here in New Jersey and am so glad that you overwhelmingly and rightfully won your seat again,” Dawson wrote. “To know your leadership will continue to guide us with love, brilliance, patience, grace and effectiveness is the kind of representation and hope we need.”
She continued, “We saw record turnout and need to keep building so that we can win both houses and make real change! #EyeOnThePrize #MIDTERMS #2022IsAroundTheCorner.”
Booker thanked voters for their support on Tuesday in an Instagram photo he shared, writing, “New Jersey, I’m once again humbled by the faith you’ve placed in me. Thank you for standing with me and allowing me the honor of representing our great state in Washington. Our work is far from finished.”
Dawson commented on the photo with, “Congratulations my love. I’m so grateful for your leadership and your team. We need you.”
The couple has been dating since the fall of 2018, months after meeting at a political fundraiser for a mutual friend. At the time, the two were on very different and very busy schedules, though they made it work despite the distance.

According to a Washington Post profile on the couple in October, they kept in close contact while apart — including two FaceTime calls a day (when possible) and with romantic gestures such as Booker sending Dawson music every morning and reading David Benioff’s “City of Thieves” to her over the phone.
“Look, both of us, you know, we’ve had relationships, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever fully given myself over to a relationship as much as I have with her and allowed myself to be as vulnerable,” Booker told the Post.
In October, Booker spoke to the Press about taking the next step in their relationship in which the senator told the outlet the couple had been so busy that many of the actress’s boxes hadn’t been unpacked.
“We already know we’re not gonna get to it until after the election,” he said at the time. “This is the first time in my life I’ve really lived with somebody — and obviously Rosario and I are enjoying and adjusting to that, right?”
He added, “I think we both realize that this is a ‘batten-down-the-hatches,’ ‘get-to-Nov.-3’ kinda thing.”In June, Dawson spoke about moving in with Booker while at Mooby’s Pop-Up in Los Angeles where she spoke to Kevin Smith.
“I’m actually in the process of moving, by the way,” she said at the time. “I’m going to New Jersey. I’m moving to Newark. It’s time.”
She added, “We were thinking about moving in together anyway, but especially during all of this, it’s been really intense. I’m excited.”