Bates Elementary posted the video of 9-year-old Dcorey Johnson who is now inspiring others through his voice and his heart.

The video of the third-grader was posted to social media earlier this week. Dcorey’s teacher Jessica Hart said she was shocked the first time she heard the 9-year-old sing on a Zoom call during NTI.

“He asked to sing a song after class one day and blew us all away,” Hart said.

Since then, Dcorey has been serenading his classmates with everything from Journey to his favorites Tina Turner and Whitney Houston.

“He acts, he loves to dance, play the piano, tap dance, he’s just a very, very inspirational kid and wherever we go, everybody knows him as the anointed one,” said his mom Nakia Johnson.

Dcorey’s parents said he started singing before he could talk. But it’s not just his voice that makes the third-grader special.

“He’s always looking out for the homeless. If we ride past and see somebody, he will say, ‘Hey dad, you need to stop and let the window down and give them some money,’ and I’ll be like, ‘Hey man, we can’t give everybody the money,’ but to him he wants to help the world,” said his dad Corey Johnson.

Dcorey said he just wants his voice to reach out to the world, and that’s exactly what it’s doing.

Hart said Dcorey is teaching his classmates more than songs; he’s literally changing their lives through important life lessons.

“I think that he inspires his classmates to be more confident in themselves and share their talents,” Hart said.

Dcorey said he loves his classmates because they’re like his audience and he wants to share his love for them with his music.

Dcorey’s parents said he has received several calls to perform for different events and fundraisers since the video was posted to social media.