The Zimbabwean government has formally registered Tuloh International for operations within its jurisdiction.

The international recruitment company received the nod to operate in the country a few days after the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom accepted it into its code of practice for international recruitment list.

The new development is a win-win situation for Tuloh International and citizens of the country as it opens a window of opportunities to the country’s healthcare professionals willing to ply their trade in the UK.

Since it started operations in 1999, Tuloh International has been consistent in providing ‘effective, efficient, and customized recruitment services to projects of all sizes and delivering the high standards of quality our partners expect’.

Initially operating from Nigeria and UK, the company is spreading its tentacles to other parts of the world to help job seekers prepare and get connected to their potential employers.

Due to their history of quality delivery, Tuloh International has secured the loyalty of their clients who are always entrusted with the job of recruiting competent staffers with a high sense of responsibility.

“We have a fantastic team of passionate recruiters with all the skills, attitude, and expertise you need to find the top people. We offer a variety of services, listen to what you want and what you need, and have all the right skills and technology at hand to help. Our approach is different; We are pioneering and fresh thinking, which is much needed in today’s fast-paced society,” the organization said of its operation.