Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

5 minutes read. Updated 3:40PM GMT Thurs, 11 July, 2024

Renowned actor and influential Democratic fundraiser George Clooney has publicly called for U.S. President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. Clooney’s statement came just hours after senior Democrat Nancy Pelosi dodged questions about whether Biden should continue his campaign.

The Hollywood star emphasized that although President Biden has fought and won numerous battles in his political career, “the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time.” Clooney’s remarks have added to the growing chorus of concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s electability in the upcoming election.

Michael Douglas, another prominent actor and fundraiser, echoed Clooney’s sentiments in an interview with the BBC, expressing his worries about Biden’s chances of securing another term. Despite the mounting pressure, President Biden remains resolute, repeatedly affirming his determination to be the Democratic Party’s candidate and to face off against his likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

The controversy intensified following a recent debate where Biden, 81, appeared less vigorous compared to his past performances. Nancy Pelosi, the former House Speaker, acknowledged the increasing disquiet within the party, stating that “time is running short” for Biden to make a decision about his candidacy.

In a poignant op-ed published in the New York Times, Clooney recounted a recent fundraising event, co-hosted by himself along with Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand in Los Angeles. The event raised a record-breaking $30 million for Biden’s campaign. However, Clooney noted that the Joe Biden he encountered at the event was a far cry from the dynamic leader of 2010, or even 2020.

Clooney’s critique drew a swift response from the Biden camp. An unnamed source emphasized that the President had just returned from a demanding G7 summit in Italy and stayed at the fundraiser for over three hours, while Clooney left after a quick photo opportunity. The President’s campaign reiterated that Biden is firmly committed to his re-election bid.

As Clooney’s concerns resonate within the party, Michael Douglas also voiced his apprehensions about Biden’s ability to endure a potential second term, emphasizing the need for a candidate who can navigate the combative political landscape effectively.

Despite these high-profile critiques, Biden’s campaign remains undeterred. The President has assured his supporters, including a letter sent to Democrats in Congress, of his unwavering commitment to his candidacy and his intention to defeat Trump in November.

The debate over Biden’s candidacy has extended beyond Hollywood and Capitol Hill, reaching the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed confidence that the U.S. will remain a committed member of the alliance regardless of the 2024 election outcome. Stoltenberg underscored the importance of NATO unity in an increasingly perilous world.

Amidst the political turbulence, Democratic voters in swing states like Pennsylvania have mixed feelings about Biden’s re-election bid. Some, like Harrisburg resident Karren Gillchrist, remain staunch supporters, while others, like Elizabethtown’s Melissa Nash, express uncertainty about Biden’s ability to lead the country effectively.

As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen how the Democratic Party will navigate this critical juncture. For now, President Biden continues to assert his candidacy, with significant support from key Democratic leaders, including California Governor Gavin Newsom and members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

For more insights on international political dynamics, visit BBC News, New York Times, and Washington Post.