The Ghanaian Government has launched a medical drone delivery service, which will help emergency health situations and reach out to rural areas in Ghana.

This medical drone delivery services which was launched on Wednesday is set to help Patients receiving medical treatment in hard to reach health facilities in the country.

In December 2018 Ghana’s parliament approved the $12.5 Million contract between the government and private company Zipline.

The contract binds says Zipline will be supplying forty-six medical products to health facilities especially those in deprived areas.

Zipline is expected to be running about 150 flights daily from its four distribution centers.

Prior to now, a lot of patients lose their lives as a result of difficulties in supplying blood, drugs and other essential medical products to such hard to reach facilities.

But with the launch of the medical drones there are hopes such deaths can now be avoided.

Over 2,000 health facilities are expected to benefit from the on-demand medical drone delivery service.

The Centre’s will be stocked with 148 lifesaving and essential medical supplies as this medical system will operate 24 hours daily.

The beneficiaries of these services are mostly women in childbirth, patients in need of emergency medicines for surgeries, severe infections among others.

The Director-General of Ghana’s Health Service Dr Nsiah Asare said the project will make Ghana the most advanced health care supply chain on the planet.

The drones are part of Ghana government’s policy to deliver quality health service to every Ghanaian.

According to the ghanaian sustainable development goals, the the third (3) goal says that every Ghanaian everywhere should have quality care.

The officials of Ghana’s Health Service said the drones will not replace the existing supply chain instead handle emergency stock out situations.

Ghanaians will be using the drones to deliver drugs and services in Ghana. This is a huge development for the people of Ghana health wise as the government has shown that the health of her people is their priority.