Africa needs an international media representative that will project the continent and tell their true stories.

The emergency of ForeMedia Group Plc in United Kingdom is believed to many as opportunity to properly project the values of Africa. Over 500 million Africans currently living in Diaspora and the population of Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa according to the 2018 report is 1,050,135,841 this hopefully will provide great opportunity for the new company.

ForeMedia is an African, International media, entertainment and broadcasting services company driven with the latest Technology. The company offers a wide range of global media brands across TV, Mobile, Digital and Print to tell the true stories of Africa and Africans to the World and project their values.

Currently the company announced her trading commencement for the 4th of June 2019 where it stated to issue 2 million ordinary shares at 2 dollars 50 cent US Dollars equivalent to 2.00 British Pounds per unit Share and later wish to introduce 5 million preference shares at 5 US Dollars per unit shares targeting mostly Africans to subscribe to the shares according to company CEO. This is similar to Alibaba in 2014 when the company launched Pre-IPO shares which were much subscribed by the Asians in the capital market.

ForeMedia Group steps up its game by introducing the Pre-IPO offer, where individuals, companies, enterprises, and others are able to buy shares at a very lower price. Global companies usually launched the Pre-IPO shares where share prices are bought cheaper than when listed on the Exchange.

The Pre-IPO is a juicy offer provided by ForeMedia, is set to strengthen capital base to complete the project transition and scaling. The company has commenced setting up subsidiary companies in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa and United States.  It is also looking to develop market shares in South America with different cultural programmes.