Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

5 minutes read. Updated 12:06PM GMT Fri, 19July, 2024

US police officer from Seattle has been terminated for making deeply insensitive comments regarding the tragic death of Jaahnavi Kandula, an Indian graduate student. The Seattle Police Department announced the dismissal of Officer Daniel Auderer, whose remarks were deemed “vile” and “callous” by interim Chief Sue Rahr.

Kandula, a 23-year-old student at Northeastern University, was fatally struck by a police vehicle while crossing a street near her university in January. Auderer, who responded to the incident, was recorded on his body camera making dismissive comments about Kandula’s life and the incident’s consequences.

Shocking Comments Captured on Camera

The footage, captured on Auderer’s body camera during a call to a colleague, revealed him laughing and suggesting that Kandula’s life was of “limited value.” “But she is dead,” he said, followed by laughter. “No, it’s a regular person. Yeah, just write a cheque,” Auderer added, suggesting a payment of “Eleven thousand dollars. She was 26, anyway. She had limited value,” sparking widespread outrage online and on social media platforms.

Immediate and Decisive Action

Interim Chief Sue Rahr announced Auderer’s termination through a department-wide email, stating that his actions brought disgrace to the police force and inflicted pain on Kandula’s family. “For me to allow the officer to remain on our force would only bring further dishonor to the entire department. For that reason, I am going to terminate his employment,” Rahr emphasized.

The Office of Police Accountability, the agency responsible for investigating police misconduct, had recommended Auderer’s dismissal for unprofessional conduct and bias, as reported by The Seattle Times.

Tragic Incident and Community Response

Jaahnavi Kandula was a promising student pursuing her graduate studies in Seattle. On the fateful day in January, she was hit by a patrol vehicle driven at 74mph (119km/h), throwing her over 100ft (30m), according to US media reports. The incident has not only highlighted the dangers faced by pedestrians but also raised serious questions about police accountability and conduct.

International Outcry and Call for Justice

The video of Auderer’s comments has been widely circulated, leading to a global outcry. Communities and organizations both within the US and internationally have condemned the remarks, calling for greater oversight and reforms within police departments.