Queen Elizabeth II was left impressed when a one-year-old toddler in the United States dressed as her for Halloween 2021.

Jalayne Sutherland, a one-year-old girl from Ohio, looked like a mini-me of the British monarch in the “spectacular outfit” inspired by the royal’s wardrobe. The little girl wore a light blue jacket, a matching wide-brimmed hat, a handbag, and the Queen’s signature pearl necklace. The icing on the cake was when she posed for a picture with two corgis, like the Queen who is known for her love of the breed and has had several of them as her pets.

The toddler’s mother, Katelyn Sutherland, had sent the photos of the costume to Buckingham Palace as well, and recently received a response on the Queen’s behalf.

Mary Morrison, a lady-in-waiting to the Queen, wrote to the family last month to tell them that the monarch loved their gesture. According to a report in Today, the letter read, “The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your letter, and for the photograph you thoughtfully enclosed. Her Majesty thought it kind of you to write to her.”

Morrison added that the Queen was “pleased” to see the photograph of Jalayne in her “splendid outfit.” She continued, “Her Majesty hopes you all have a very Merry Christmas, and I am enclosing a little information about the Royal Pets, which Jalayne might like to have.”

A photo obtained by the outlet showed Jalayne posing with the letter she received from Windsor Castle, where the Queen has been spending most of her days since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Jaylene also wore the hat and white wig from her costume for a picture with the letter.

Though this is the first time the monarch has praised someone for dressing up as her, her look has been previously copied by several people including celebrities for Halloween. For the 2018 holiday, Chrissy Teigen had dressed up as her in her signature buttoned outfit complete with Handbag and gloves, while her husband John Legend had dressed as the Queen’s late husband Prince Philip in a makeshift military uniform.