Producer Sir Jinx has filed a lawsuit against Cube for unpaid royalties related to production work he’s done for the rapper. According to legal documents, Jinx claims to have produced up to 28 songs for Ice Cube that were released dating back to Cube’s 1990 debut album, AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted.

Yet, it wasn’t until 2019 that he realized he wasn’t getting the amount in royalties that he deserved.

Jinx claims that the lawsuit is his last option. He reportedly tried to reach out to Cube to rectify the situation, but Jinx claims that Cube refused to play ball. Now he’s asking a judge to award him damages that are more than $100,000 for his work on classic tracks like “No Vaseline,” “True to the Game,” “The Bomb,” “It’s a Man’s World,” “The Funeral,” and more

Ice Cube—who famously left NWA due to mismanagement of funds—has not publicly responded to Jinx’s lawsuit. However, a source close to the rapper said that the lawsuit is unnecessary since Cube has loaned Jinx money multiple times over the years that the producer has not paid back.