The duo along with Forest Whitaker and Djimon Hounsou are calling out for suspension on oil and gas drilling in the Okavango River Basin.

Speaking in a session with Namibian environmental activist, Reinhold Mangundu on October 14, Prince Harry talked about the ‘permanent destruction’ the drilling can cause.

“We believe this would pillage the ecosystem for potential profit,” they said. “Some things in life are best left undisturbed to carry out their purpose as a natural benefit. This is one of them.”

“There is no way to repair the damage from these kinds of mistakes,” they said. “Drilling is an outdated gamble that reaps disastrous consequences for many, and incredible riches for a powerful few. It represents a continued investment in fossil fuels instead of renewable energies.”

The pair added, “The risk of drilling will always outweigh the perceived reward. In a region already facing the abuse of exploitation, poaching and fires, the risk is even higher. Knowing the above, why would you be drilling for oil in such a place?”