Joe Biden says he is “tired” of talking about Donald Trump and revealed he is the only former president not to call him.

Mr Biden said that he had talked with all his predecessors since entering the White House, with the exception of Mr Trump. But the president refused to go into details about the conversations, insisting they were “private.” “And by the way all of them have, with one exception, picked up the phone and called me as well,” said Mr Biden to laughs from the audience in Milwaukee.

“For four years all that has been in the news is Trump. The next four years I want to make sure that all the news is about the American people,” said Mr Biden.

“I’m tired of talking about Trump. It’s done.”

On a second occasion the president found himself talking about ways to help small businesses and again found himself veering towards the topic of Mr Trump.

“I’m tired of talking about Donald Trump. I don’t want to talk about him anymore.”

And during a discussion of the pandemic and opening the economy back up, he even referred to Mr Trump as “the former guy.”