Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

5 minutes read. Updated 12:02AM GMT Fri, 2August, 2024

In a dramatic revelation that has captured the attention of fans and observers alike, renowned Nigerian singer Paul Okoye, popularly known as Rudeboy, has accused his twin brother Peter Okoye, also known as Mr P, of orchestrating his recent legal troubles. Okoye, in a candid interview with City FM in Lagos, disclosed that Mr P had lodged a formal petition with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), leading to an extensive investigation into his financial dealings.

According to Rudeboy, the EFCC’s probe into his affairs was sparked by accusations from his twin brother, which alleged involvement in fraudulent activities. Despite being fully exonerated after a comprehensive review by the anti-corruption agency, Okoye expressed dismay at his brother’s failure to retract the allegations or offer an apology.

Rudeboy recounted the sequence of events: “Earlier this year, I was summoned by the EFCC following a petition filed by my twin brother. I was taken aback by the seriousness of the situation, which escalated beyond our personal disputes. What began as a family disagreement suddenly involved accusations of serious financial misconduct.”

He further described the unsettling experience, noting that he was subjected to intense scrutiny, including a thorough examination of his bank statements and transactions. “I was asked to justify every detail of my financial activity. Initially, I was anxious about the implications if the allegations had been true, but I complied with the investigation process, even engaging legal representation and providing sureties as required.”

After a month of rigorous investigation, the EFCC cleared Okoye of all charges. Despite the exoneration, Okoye revealed that his twin brother had yet to offer an apology. “Our elder brother Jude Okoye and I were informed by the EFCC that I had been found innocent of all charges. It was disappointing that despite this confirmation, Peter did not offer any apology for the wrongful accusations.”

This development has stirred considerable public interest and scrutiny, highlighting ongoing tensions within the Okoye family and raising questions about the motivations behind the petition.