Official Admits to 46 Protest Deaths-Sudan crisis
A Sudanese official has denied claims that at least 100 people were killed by a paramilitary unit during protests, saying that the number was at most 46.
On Wednesday the 5th of June Doctors linked to the opposition had a different perspective saying at least 100 people had been killed in the capital, Khartoum, amid pro-democracy protests.
There had being claims that 40 bodies were pulled from the River Nile in Khartoum on Tuesday,though authorities had initially stayed quiet, but a health ministry official put the number at 46 early on Thursday.
The deputy head of the military council defended the violent suppression, claiming that the protesters had been infiltrated by rogue elements and drug dealers.
Mohammed Hamadan -also known as Hemeti on Wednesday said “We will not allow chaos and we will not go back on our convictions. There is no way back. We must impose the respect of the country by law.”
Though leader claims impostors are the ones behind the violence but reports continue to come in of these militia going into neighborhoods and killing people.
Doctors have been afraid of going to work due to the violence, also People are still coming to terms with the violence of the last few days.
The fear is that more of the dead could still be there and Security forces seem to outnumber civilians on the streets of the capital.
Reports continue to come in of their brutal crackdown.