Mozambican publisher Editora Trinta Zero Nove has been awarded a top translation prize at the London Book Fair.

“We found the ground-breaking Editora Trinta Zero Nove (which made last year’s shortlist) especially inspiring – it’s an imaginative, dynamic and visionary programme of activity. We couldn’t be more excited to have it as our 2021 winner,” judges of the Literary Translation Initiative Award said.

The Maputo-based publishing house was launched in 2018 by Sandra Tam The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Pledges Extra $50m Commitment to Gavi, the Vaccine Allianceele.

“Honestly, I am overjoyed. I’m so happy. This is not just my prize. There are a number of people who have contributed. It’s a very big achievement,” she said.

The publisher now wanted to concentrate on works for younger readers, she said.

“We are having difficulty attracting the audience between teenagers and adults, and are thinking about creating and translating content for 13-year-old girls and boys.

“We are even going to launch a collection of books for this audience, which will be available in Portuguese, Makhuwa, Cena and Changana,” Ms Tamele said.