Mohamed Salah is transforming his village, Nagrig in Egypt as he built a hospital, school, youth center, and ambulance unit for his people in his village.

MM Wrote: “Mohamed Salah is transforming his village, Nagrig in Egypt.

“He built a hospital, school, youth center, and ambulance unit for his people in his village.

He built a $450,000 water treatment plant to provide drinking water for his people.

“He gives £3,500 to poor families monthly. Salah donated thousands of tons of food worth $500,000 to his people in Nagrig during the Covid-19 lockdown.

He donated £2.5 million for the treatment of cancer in Egypt in 2019.

“His ambulance unit serves 30,000 people.

Donated oxygen tanks when some people died from Covid-19. Salah donated £50,000 to Tanta University Hospital, Egypt for them to acquire modern medical equipment.”