The influx of migrants from various West African countries into the mining town of Arlit, located in Niger’s Agadez region, has led to a significant increase in population. New faces are frequently seen in the doorways of dusty alleys in the area, where the arrival of these migrants has caused the population to explode.

The Agadez region in northern Niger has seen a significant influx of migrants in recent years, causing the population to surge.

Behind the walls of the region’s earthen buildings, prostitutes, mostly from Nigeria, operate openly in a country that is over 98% Muslim.

The coexistence of non-Muslims, particularly these “free women,” creates difficulty for locals, according to some shopkeepers.

However, the mayor of Arlit admits that the town’s budget cannot provide the additional needs in terms of sanitation and school infrastructure that the influx of migrants demands.

In addition, the rise of insecurity in the region is creating tensions, although there is no data to directly link the issue to the migrants’ arrival. The region’s gold deposits are attracting criminal networks, increasing the insecurity of the area.

The IOM is investing in stabilization efforts for the local communities, such as boreholes, hygiene infrastructures, and income-generating activities, but funding from international donors is decreasing. Compared to 2021, the number of migrants in Niger requesting IOM assistance has increased by 35% in 2022.